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Parallel bars and staircases

Parallel bars offer a successful tool for revalidation and a great deal of autonomy to patients who want to learn to walk again. Wesseling BV recognizes the need in the medical practice of a stable surface with sufficient support. That is why we have developed various walkpaths with parallel bars that are completely adjusted to the specific needs of different types of patients. After all, children have different demands than adults when they are in the process of revalidation.

Rehabilitation parallel bars for children and adults

Our parallel bars can be used for medical therapie, physical therapy and rehabilitation training activities. We offer: 

Thanks to the adjustable handrails, you can easily alter the height according to the length of your patient. The rails themselves are made of thermoplastic and non-plastic material, giving the client enough grip and security to perform his or her exercises with confidence. When the therapy is successful, you can also choose for parallel bars that are adjustable in a corner. In this way, you can change the inclination the platform from 0 to 10 degrees with the help of a manual switch. Make the kind of therapy fit your patient, whether he or she is a child or an adult, in order that he or she feels at ease and can work towards recovery step by step.

Staircases with parallel bars

Patients who have suffered from an accident very often have the wish to walk the stairs again. In order to practise this activity, we offer various rehabilitation staircases with parallel bars, enabling your patient to walk in a safe environment. Choose for the Plus-Line or the Standard-Line, both presenting an extensive range of modules that must be put together to create a complete staircase. Connect the stairs by adding an extra support or entire middle section. In this manner, you can make a personal therapy session, adapted to the needs of your individual clients.

Reliable parallel bars for revalidation

Revalidation is a tough and long-lasting process that takes a lot of effort. Create a secure therapy environment by choosing for the reliable parallel bars and staircases of Wesseling BV. Our products have been developed in cooperation with specialists, such as doctors, hospitals and therapists. Do you have difficulty finding the suitable parallel bars for in your therapy practice? Contact us and we gladly provide you with personal advice.